Falls in the workplace can be a real hazard. When you fall, you'll automatically want to try to catch yourself. That could mean falling forward and bracing yourself with your arms, wrists and hands or twisting to try to prevent yourself from landing directly on your...
Injured Workers Deserve Protection
Our firm fights to uphold the proud tradition of Wisconsin workers' compensation law.
Workers’ Compensation
The many risks of chemical burns and how they affect work
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Dec 5, 2019 | Workers' Compensation
Working in an industrial facility, a manufacturing position, a salon/barbershop or even in certain kinds of restaurants could result in exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals. Most employers who use hazardous materials as part of their standard workflow have...
Misclassified? You can seek workers’ compensation
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Mar 26, 2019 | Workers' Compensation
The misclassification of employees as independent contractors is more common than you may believe. The Internal Revenue Service believes that employers misclassify workers as independent contractors due to error in many cases, though some do so to save money and...
You have a right to workers’ compensation if you’re hurt at work
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Dec 18, 2017 | Workers' Compensation
You suffered a serious injury on the job. You had been focusing on a task when a coworker dropped a piece of equipment above you. Even though you had a hardhat on, it didn't protect you from the rapidly dropping item. The impact cracked the hat open and left you with...
Were you denied benefits for being an independent contractor?
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Mar 27, 2017 | Workers' Compensation
Let's say you show up to work at your construction job every day and work carefully alongside your colleagues - who are painters, carpenters and roofers. It looks like you're all employees together, and the same boss pays your salary. The thing is, you're classified...
Are Menards Drivers Independent Contractors?
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Feb 8, 2017 | Workers' Compensation
Menards, a large home-improvement retail chain based in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, is the target of a federal complaint by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), accusing the superstore of misclassifying delivery drivers as independent contractors. Independent...
4 things you need to know about workers’ comp
On Behalf of Siedow & Jackson, SC | Dec 23, 2016 | Workers' Compensation
You retired last year, ready to have the easy life and get back to the woodworking project that's been in the garage for the last 10 years. Everything was great the first few months, until the boredom set in.Your social security isn't quite enough to make you as...
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